Wednesday, September 18, 2013

I want to be Martha!

So I'm in college now. It's crazy... I went from a high schooler to a college girl!! So since my newest goal is to become the next Martha Stewart. To clarify the goal is to eventually have my own line of craft supplies, cook yummy food, ORGANIZE EVERYTHING, teacher tips, and be an awesome homemaker.... I'm going to actually start doing stuff on here. I know I said that last time, but I mean it! Once a week I am going to pin at least one new idea. In the mean time here are a few of my more recent projects... PS if you need any of the DIY instructions feel free to email me at, and I would love to help you with your projects!! :)

Ella. The water color elephant.

 Welcome back bulletin board.

Whale love.

Peter's Christmas Gift: Brother-Sister Date Coupons for each month.

Thank You Card.

Golf course cake.

"Thumbody Loves You!"