Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Spring Break 2K12

Yay! It is Spring Break for me and I decided to knock out a few projects I have been dying to make.

Project #1: A conversation starter questions jar for GBC. I am super awkward at small talk in general, and since I lead a small group of seventh grade girls at church I was trying to figure out a way to ask them questions to get to know them without sounding like I am trying to pry into their little lives, I stumbled upon this idea of a questions jar for the dinner table, but decided it is even more perfect for the mingling minutes before youth group officially starts. My plan is to let a different gal pick one each week and have everyone in the group answer one of the eighty-four questions inside the jar. I can't wait to test it out!!

Saturday, April 7, 2012


So I have been a bit MIA lately... I've been doing a bit of traveling, eating, sleeping STUDYING, and more eating, and sleeping, but I have managed to make a few more cards. It's spring break over here so hopefully I will have a bit of time to make a few more fun creations since I'm not going anywhere till Friday for the big day, my SEVENTEENTH. :)